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The Coven of Whispering Shadows
$5 per month
or $2.50 for subs
1 members-only livestream/month
1 members-only video/month
BTS posts (photos, polls etc)
Birthday video message
Your name at the end of streams
10% shop discount
Haunters of the Astral Plane
$10 per month
or $5 for subs
1 members-only livestream/month
3 members-only videos/month
1 artwork timelapse/month with LoFi music
BTS posts (photos, polls etc)
Birthday video message
Your name at the end of streams
10% shop discount
Harbingers of the Night
$15 per month
or $7.50 for subs
1 members-only livestream/month
3 members-only videos/month
2 phone/desktop wallpapers/month
2 artwork timelapses/month with LoFi music
BTS posts (photos, polls etc)
Birthday video message
Your name at the end of streams
10% shop discount
Descendants of the Ancient Ones
$20 per month
or $10 for subs

3 members-only video/month
1 members-only livestream/month
5 artwork timelapse/month with LoFi music
4 phone/desktop background/month
BTS posts (photos, polls, WIPs)
1 members-only art feedback session/month
Your name at the end of streams
Birthday video message
10% shop discount

1 members-only livestream/month
3 members-only videos/month
4 phone/desktop wallpapers/month
5 artwork timelapses/month with LoFi music
BTS posts (photos, polls etc)
Birthday video message
Your name at the end of streams
10% shop discount